Friday, 4 October 2013

Survey Results

Average Answer
Reflection on Results
What is your age?
Most of the people I surveyed were around 15-17
As a lot of the people I asked said they do read magazines, I should aim to appeal to this age range.
What genre of music do you listen to the most?
Lots of people said either rock or pop, mainly rock.
Although I was planning on doing a magazine strictly based on pop music, I may have to broaden the horizon of what artists/bands I include in it so I can appeal to a wider audience.
Who are your favourite bands/artists?
Arctic Monkeys, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Kasabian, Katy Perry, Blink 182.
Since I have knowledge of who people listen to, I can include all of these artists in my magazine.
How many music magazine do you buy every 3 months? (0-1, 2-4, 5-7, 8+)
The average answer was 5-7 magazines within 3 months.
This shows that most people don’t buy every single issue of the magazine they read since they didn't choose the 8+ option, which makes me think I should only have 2 issues per month. This will also make the readers anticipate the next issue more.
Would you want to go to music festivals? If so, which ones?
Most people said yes, and mentioned festivals such as Download, V festival and Leeds/ Reading.
As my readers will go to festivals like these, I should probably include information about them in the magazine, and give them a chance to win free tickets. I should also set up a stall at the festivals where my magazine will be available to buy, so I am directly appealing to my target audience.
How much do you think a music magazine should cost and why?
The average price was around £2-£3, as it is fairly cheap and affordable.
Because my audience are probably in their teens, they most likely won’t have a part time job and won’t be making any money, so I will make my magazine on the cheaper side so it is still affordable to those who are unemployed.
What do you look for in a music magazine?
Some suggestions were articles about current music, fun interviews and some reviews on new releases.
Although my main selling point is going to be fun and informative music reviews, I will make sure to include some of the suggestions so it will appeal to the audience as this is what they are looking for.
How much do you spend on music per month?
Mainly around £15+
As most albums are fairly dear, we will include a chance to win a certain amount of albums in every couple of issues, and will also include a free album every so often.
What would you like to see on a front cover?
The majority of the people said they’d like to see celebrities, famous artists and bands.
Since I have an idea on what bands/artists my target audience likes, I can find good quality images and use them in my magazine.
When you see an article, do you read it in full or just skim-read it?
Almost all of the answers were that they just skim-read the article.
As around 75% of the people won’t read the article properly, I will make sure to use bright colours and eye-catching fonts to draw them into it and convince them to read it in full.

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