Saturday, 5 October 2013

Preliminary Task

This is the front cover of a college magazine my group produced for the preliminary task. We went around the college and took photos for the main and secondary images, and used  the best quality image for the front cover. Although it has been slightly stretched, I am happy with the image we chose as it depicts 2 students sitting outside the campus on the wooden bench. The name we all agreed on is 'Student Life!' as it is straight to the point and makes college seem exciting and fun.  

On the cover we have also included the official college colours to make it official. Down the left side of the cover we have included all the cover lines, then the puff in the bottom third which explains that there is a free notebook, and also an upcoming trip to paris. The essential information is in the bottom right corner and shows the price, barcode and date of release, although we did forget to include the issue number - so I will make sure to add that to my final magazine I produce. 

This is the finished contents page, which has a slightly basic look to it, and we still stuck to the official sunderland college colours to show that it is in a college magazine. We also mentioned the article being about the new building, and included an image of it being built, the page number and a short summary to show it is the main article. Down the left side we talked about the other articles throughout the magazine with all the page numbers. We also shown an image of the free sunderland college notebook that comes with this issue of the magazine.

Here are the flat plans my group created for the front cover and contents page of our college magazine. I think we stuck to the guidelines we decided on very well, although we didn't mention any colour or font ideas on the plan - just where the major conventions will be placed.

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